Hi everyone
I have been toying around with the idea of starting a blog event. The e
vent called as 'Celebrating the Regional Cuisines of India' (RCI) will be a monthly event and will feature recipes from one particular regional cuisine. You can submit recipes from major categories like starters/appetizers, snacks, side dishes, main course, salads, pickles, chutneys, desserts...anything to do with food, simply let your imagination run wild. Your posts can also include information and tips specific to the chosen cuisine of the month. Anything that will help us understand and appreciate the culture and food of the chosen region. You can post recipes either from fellow bloggers, the Internet, friends or family. You are welcome to submit more than one recipe.
It is a Herculean task to do this all myself so I thought it would be best to invite fellow bloggers to host the event every month. All you need to do is choose the cuisine and the month in which you would like to host the event.
I would like to line up the cuisine of the month starting April to December 2007. Since, this post comes at a very short notice, I will host the April event - the theme will be 'Tamil Cuisine'. I will post the detailed guidelines soon. Here are the broad guidelines for the RCI monthly event.
1. Each event will begin on the first of the month.
2. Post as many recipes as you like on your blog and email the following details to the host's email ID.
(a) Your name
(b) Link to the recipe from your blog
(c) A picture of the recipe
3. Do include any regional info you would like to share about the cuisine of the month in your post.
4. Deadline for all entries will be the 25th of the month.
5. The guidelines for the host of the month would be
(a) Announce the event on your blog at least 15 days in advance which means by the 15th of each month. You can also post reminders to the event on your blog. I will post this information on my blog too.
(b) Give a brief write up about the regional cuisine you are planning to host.
(c) Do a roundup of the event on the 1st of the next month.
So, let's get cooking and celebrate the food and culture of the myriad cuisines of India. If you are interested to host this event email me at veggiecuisine@gmail.com with the cuisine and the month in which you would like to host the RCI.
I have been toying around with the idea of starting a blog event. The e

It is a Herculean task to do this all myself so I thought it would be best to invite fellow bloggers to host the event every month. All you need to do is choose the cuisine and the month in which you would like to host the event.
I would like to line up the cuisine of the month starting April to December 2007. Since, this post comes at a very short notice, I will host the April event - the theme will be 'Tamil Cuisine'. I will post the detailed guidelines soon. Here are the broad guidelines for the RCI monthly event.
1. Each event will begin on the first of the month.
2. Post as many recipes as you like on your blog and email the following details to the host's email ID.
(a) Your name
(b) Link to the recipe from your blog
(c) A picture of the recipe
3. Do include any regional info you would like to share about the cuisine of the month in your post.
4. Deadline for all entries will be the 25th of the month.
5. The guidelines for the host of the month would be
(a) Announce the event on your blog at least 15 days in advance which means by the 15th of each month. You can also post reminders to the event on your blog. I will post this information on my blog too.
(b) Give a brief write up about the regional cuisine you are planning to host.
(c) Do a roundup of the event on the 1st of the next month.
So, let's get cooking and celebrate the food and culture of the myriad cuisines of India. If you are interested to host this event email me at veggiecuisine@gmail.com with the cuisine and the month in which you would like to host the RCI.
Please feel free to send me comments and suggestions for the event.
P.S. Can anyone help me design a logo for this event?
Sounds great! Tamil cuisine is lovely selection,will be all over it:))
waw, I liked the idea behind this event! now have to start thinking.
sorry forgot to mention, thanks for adding my blog name to your list. feels great!!
Hi Asha
Thanks for the response. Do let me know if you want to host the event in any month.
Thanks Sharmi. Do let me know if you want to host the event in any month.
hey, regional cuisine, now that's something!
made us put on our thinking hats !!
I wud luv to participate.
Sure Richa. You could probably take up the Punjabi cuisine. The choice is yours.
yup, that's what i plan to do, just have to check my calender for the month
will let you know soon
Great idea, I would love to join in.
My thinking cap is on.
p.s. thanks for leaving a nice comment on my blog
That's a great idea lakshmi.
I am sure we will get to know more about other cuisines.
In the last commnet my blog address got messed up!
That's a great idea lakshmi.
I am sure we will get to know more about other cuisines.
Welcome Sajeda. Waiting to hear from you about the cuisine of the month.
Yes Madhavi. This is surely an exercise to get to know all the regional cuisines of India.
Hi Lakshmi
Very nice idea! Sounds really interesting.
I would'nt mind hosting the event for the month of May. I can go with either Andhra or Karnataka cuisine!
Let me know.
Hi Latha
You are most welcome to do that. We don't have any thing lined up for May yet. So do you want to do Andhra or Karnataka? Do send me an email.
Hi Lakshmik
good idea.Nice thinking.
what a fine idea! i am quite a newbie to food blog events but would be interested in hosting this event maybe in late summer/early fall... i will email you... this month's Tamil cuisine is so varied - i better get on it soon - 25th is only a few days away :-)
Hi Sheela
Glad you liked the event. The last date for entries will be the 25th of April. So you have a lot of time. Waiting to see your recipes.
Yay..another event..great theme..Will send the entry soon..
A nice event and a good start. I will be there. Will host sometime later too. Thanks Lakshmi. Viji
Hi LakshmiK! A nice event you've started here. Will surely participate.
Please do read about the Safety Moment on my blog. Pl also let me know if you are interested in hosting it in the following months. Look forward to you contribution too. :)
WAH!!!! One more event!!!! More the merrier...... and a good excuse to cook something ;)
Great idea LakshmiK... Will cook up something soon!!!!!!
There is one small problem..... with someone like me who is not a south indian, any dish coming from south is a south indian dish...... difficult to guess weather its from tamilnadu or karnatak or andhra!!!!!!!!!!! PHEW!!!!! Guess will have to ask someone...... may be you only. :)
hi Lakshmi,
nice to know this. thsi is a great a idea to start such event . MIne is the same case as Coffee. will have to diferentiate which is region special for andhra/karnataka/tamilnadu....
there are so many friends like you around here to help i think :) .
will try if i can cook up anything for event, as i m little away from kitchen these days by being at mom;s home to enjoy her food and sweetness of love all the day...
I can host it for Gujarati cuisine for any month , cant tell you the month yet now. if you wich then let me know, will let you know and do it for that month.
Wow this is really great. Will definitely participate.
Hi Lakshmi,
That is such a great idea - there are so many regional cuisines that this is definitely going to be a fun event :) Count me in to participate.
Thanks Swapna.
Hi Maheswari
Looking forward to your entries.
Hi Viji
Do let me know which month and cuisine you will host.
Hi Jyothsna
Thanks for inviting me to the safety event. I will surely go through it and let you know which one I want to host.
Hi Coffee and Pooja
Yes, I understand your problem. That's precisely why I started this event. We can experiement foods from different cuisines and learn their techniques of cooking too. South Indian cuisine is a broad area and has Andhra, Tamil, Karnataka, Telangana cuisines. Try searching the web for tamil cuisine and you will find loads of recipes. Your recipe does not have to be perfect but it will be real fun to experiment.
Hi Shivapriya and Sangeeta
Thanks. Looking forward to your participation.
Hi Lakshmik,
Interesting event...nice idea too...
Thanks Usha.
That's a super concept. It will give all of us a chance to learn each other's cuisine and culture.Lakshmi, it would be great if you could provide a brief intro about main ingredients and spices used in Tamil cuisine.
Hey, I would like to host this event in May..If it's not been already taken by someone. It's my bday in May:) Do let me know..
Hi lakshmi,
Nice Selection!!! I will be there . Thanks
Hello Lakshmi,
A very nice event, we would come to know more about different cuisines ...thanxs for hosting such a nice event
Hi LK! I am willing to host Karnataka cuisine any month except April and June(Vacation).Let me know and specify if you need only veg dishes for your month of hosting.Thanks buddy:)
Sounds great! I will definitely be contributing!
Hi Swapna
May, June and July are already taken. Do you want to host the event in August?
Thanks MT and Sushma.
Hi Asha
May, June and July are already lined up. Do you want to do August or September? I have written the same reply to Swapna too. I was also thinking whether we should include non-veg dishes. If participants want to post non-veg dishes it's up to them. I think we can leave it open at this point of time.
Hi Marriedtoadesi
Looking forward to your participation.
Hi Lakshmi,
I can host Orissa or Bihar cuisine any month except Nov. Let me know. Thanks :)
August is fine with me..Thanks!
Hi Sangeeta
Can you host the event in October? Do let me know which cuisine and send me an email at veggiecuisine@gmail.com
lovely event, this will be a great way to learn about different parts of India...consider me in!
I can probably host this in December...whatever theme comes up my way, I'll take.
Wow Lakshmi,
What a great idea. This is indeed a lovely way to know about all the regional cuisines of India. I can host an event sometime later too. I will let you know soon.
Hi Trupti
Thanks. I will mark you as the host for December. You can let me know the cuisine later.
Thanks Seema. Looking forward to your participation.
Any month except June,Karanataka is mine!:))
Oh wow... this shud be good! I hope I can make something as good! This will also encouraage me to delve into T cuisine, hitherto unexplored (in my kitchen)...
Hi Lakshmik,
Good idea.
Nice event and I will try to participate.
Hi iam new in your blog, i'd like to participate in your monthly event.thanks!
Check out www.needgrub.com if you are interested in Indian food. THis is a Great resource.
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