Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Baby zucchini subzi

I got these beautiful baby zucchini's from Trader Joes. When you cut them in circles they look just like tindora. So, made a tindora like subzi out of baby zucchini. I felt the baby zucchini's were a bit firmer than the regular ones. As a result they did not get mushy as quickly as the regular zucchini. Give it a try and I am sure you will love it too.
15 to 20 baby zucchinis
1 medium onion
1/2 tsp mustard seeds
1/2 tsp jeera
3/4 tsp red chilli powder (adjust to taste)
1/4 tsp turmeric powder
2 pods of garlic finely minced
1 tbsp of dry coconut
A few curry leaves
Fresh cilantro for garnish
Salt to taste
1. Trim the ends of the baby zucchini and cut them into rounds (see pic).
2. Chop the onions.
3. Pour oil in a pan and season with mustard seeds and jeera. Add the curry leaves.
4. Next add the onions and garlic and saute until soft.
5. Add the chopped baby zucchini along with turmeric powder, red chilli powder and salt.
6. Cover and cook for 3-4 minutes and then continue the cooking process with the lid off. (see notes)
7. Once the zucchini is cooked sprinkle the dry coconut powder. Give it a good stir and garnish with fresh chopped cilantro.
1. Do not cover and cook for too long as the zucchini will get mushy. This happens with regular zucchini too.

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