Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Puffed wheat snack

Health recipe!
Traditionally made with puffed rice, Vaggani is a popular breakfast recipe back at my in-laws house. Vaggani is a super simple recipe that fills you up and still makes you feel light (even if you have overeaten!). I wanted to find a low-cal version of the same and stumbled upon wheat kurmura (puffed wheat) at the Indian store. I was thrilled to see it and the next thing I did was to make the wheat version of this recipe. The original recipe does not call for peanuts. But, when I had the leftovers for lunch the next day I added some roasted peanuts and it was good. So, here is the recipe.


1 cup of puffed wheat (remember this reduces by half when you soak in water)
1 medium onion
1 medium tomato
3-4 green chillies
1 tsp mustard
1 tsp each urad dal and channa dal for seasoning
A pinch of turmeric powder
2 tsps of instant paruppu podi
Salt to taste
A few curry leaves
Chopped cilantro for garnish
Oil as needed

1. Put the puffed wheat in a colander and place under running water just for about 5 seconds or until completely soaked. Remove immediately and set aside. Do not soak in water!
2. Add mustard, dals, green chillies, curry leaves in a pan and sauté them.
3. Add chopped onions and sauté until soft.
4. Next add the tomatoes (chopped finely) and cook until tender.
5. Transfer the puffed wheat to the pan, add turmeric powder and salt.
6. Then add the instant paruppu podi and mix well till the powder is incorporated with the puffed wheat.
7. Garnish with cilantro.

Puffed wheat snack
Serve hot


  1. UUmmmmmm............ I can keep eathing this on and on and on and on and.......

  2. My fav snack I used to make a lot in India.I don't get that Puri here but I tried with rice crispies!Doesn't come out good at all.Enjoy,I would love get my hands on that.YUMMY!

  3. Wow!that looks good....it looks like masala pori....

    Thanks for sharing

  4. this is my fav snack. I saw ur cabbage dal post, love the recipe. I make cabbage with moong dal and also with channa dal, we call it pappu koora and usually served with pappad.

  5. everytime i come to ur blog u have new recipes posted:) how u manage ur rime lakshmi...
    i dont remember eating puffed wheat. will look for them next time when i go for shopping.

  6. Hi Sia

    Whenever, I make something interesting I click pictures. So, I have them in my library and I keep adding to it. Also, I like my blog to be updated if not everyday at least frequently. Because, I come across so many blogs where recipes are not updated at all. And most of all I don't want to disappoint the visitors to my blog :)

  7. Lakshmi,
    This used to be one of my favorite snacks. My mom usually prepared it in the evenings as even a large quantity of puffed rice used would yield only a little amount of the final product.(So it was a snack for us).I never prepared it here. As Asha said I never came across the kind of puffed rice used for this dish.
    It is intersting to know that puffed wheat is available. I have to look for it now.
    Thank you for reminding this tasty snack. :-)

  8. Lakshmi Puffed wheat looks so much like churmura/charmburi. At first glance it looks exactly like churmura. I am gonna look our for puffed wheat for sure. Looks so healthy.

  9. Yummy Snack! I don't think I have had this before...we usually don't soak it, rather, we temper it with some oil and mustard seeds and spices.
    Will try this, I have tons of it at home.


  10. Hey thanks for this. I never knew we get this here, we get puffed rice but never saw puffed wheat.
    Also never knew that we could do something like thsi
    Nice & healthy

  11. Never had puff wheat....have to look for them next time in stores.

  12. I've never heard of puffed wheat -only puffed rice..so this is novel. We do something similar with the puffed rice (pori) minus the soaking. Need to try this one out! thanks for sharing..

  13. hi lakshmi k
    this is my favorite snack..

  14. Hi Lakshmi
    We call this Uganni or Buganni at home! But u'res looks delicious. Mine never turns out this good. Maybe i will try your way next time :-)

  15. Aha I got to make this one.Thanks Lakshmik.
