Thursday, February 01, 2007

Kohlrabi sauté (Noolkol)

Health recipe!
Yes, the vegetable in the picture is Kohlrabi or popularly referred to as Noolkol in South India. I bought the Kohlrabi from an Asian store. I hardly find it in the Indian store anymore. Kohlrabi is a lesser known and quite an unpopular veggie and I guess many of us don't even use it regularly. I remember eating a lot of Noolkol back in India.

Fast facts: Kohlrabi is also known as 'cabbage turnip' as it is actually a member of the cabbage family. You can eat it raw or cooked. Kohlrabi is low in calories and high in dietary fiber, and hence, makes an excellent part of any diet. It is also loaded with potassium and vitamins. Click here to read more about this amazing vegetable.
I made a simple curry out of kohlrabi and it goes great with rice and sambar or rasam. Here is the recipe.

3 kohlrabies
1 tsp of mustard
1 tsp of urad dal
1 tsp of channa dal
2 or 3 red chillies (you can use green too)
A few curry leaves
Grated coconut (optional, I did not use it)
A pinch of turmeric powder
Salt to taste
Oil as needed

1. Peel the skin and chop the kohlrabi into small cubes.
2. Pour oil in a pan and season with mustard, urad dal, channa dal, red chillies and curry leaves.
3. Add the chopped kohlrabi, turmeric and salt and cook covered until the vegetable becomes tender.
4. Garnish with fresh grated coconut (optional).
5. Serve with sambar or rasam and rice.
Kohlrabi curry
Serving size - 1 cup
Number of servings 4 or 5


  1. hi lakshmik
    normally i prepare this adding some spices to it..this time will try ur version..

  2. Hi LK! Love this veg as I told you.This recipe is so so simple and looks delicious.I love the natural color of it.YUM!

  3. Noolkol palya looks fresh and great Lakshmi

  4. Lakshmi,
    This is one of my favorite vegetables.My prepares it grating the noolkol.Thanks for posting it.

  5. Hi Lakshmi,

    That looks so good. :) Now I have another way to cook this vegetable, thanks to you. Thanks for sharing :)

  6. Wonder what it is called in malayalam! Don't remember seeing this vegetable.
    Noolkol sounds great.

  7. i have yet to try this..thanks for the recipe.


  8. simple and healthy recipe. Thanks lakshmik. Looks delicious.

  9. Hi lakskmik,

    Receipe looks fresh, even we use to prepare porriyal or noolkol sambar in India.

  10. Swapna - do post your recipe sometime. What spices do you use?
    Asha - Glad you liked the recipe.
    Seema - Do try it and let me know.
    Suma- I am sure the grated version will be yummy. Do post the recipe.
    Sangeeta - How do you make it? Do let us know.
    RP - Not sure what it is called in Malayalam. Can check with my mom and let you know.
    Trupti - Do try this veggie. It tastes good.
    Mandira and Usha - Thanks for your comment. Glad you liked the recipe.

  11. I make this with sesame powder. thanks for sharing.

  12. home we call it Noolcose...Maybe the derived name of Turnip + Muttaicose...he he...Yet, I have never tried this one. How does it taste? Like cabbage? After seeing the photo I felt like it ll taste similar to Vaazhai thandu..may be it looks similar in photo.

    Neways, this is t first time I am visiting your blog, and I feel at peace with ur recipe-photos...the homemade feeling raises up.

  13. Hi Lakshmi,Interesting way to go about cooking KnolKhol! Nice Recipe :)

  14. hi lakshmik :) until a while ago, i didn't realize (or think) that kohlrabi was used outside of a european way. i really like this vegetable a lot and it is very healthy. i guess i like its crunchy texture which is retained once it's cooked. thanks for including me in your blogroll, btw. you have a lot of interesting things to look at and try :)

  15. Tried this with purple turnip. Turned out really good. Thanks for a simple recipe
