Thursday, February 08, 2007

Carrot cupcakes and a Meme

I love carrot cakes. Whenever, I go to IKEA I don't eat anything from the Cafe except the carrot cakes. But, it is such a huge piece that I would feel full half way through the piece of cake. So, I searched the web for a carrot cupcake recipe and stumbled upon Martha Stewart's recipe. The cupcakes were a great success as they turned out moist and delicious. I used the egg replacer instead of eggs and they still turned out yummy. Here is the recipe. Supriya of Spice Corner and Maheswari of Beyond the Usual have tagged me for this Meme.


For the cupcakes
3/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons flour
1 cup sugar
1/3 cup vegetable oil
2 tablespoons orange juice
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
3 tsps of egg replacer dissolved in 4 tbsp of warm water (or use 2 large eggs)
1 teaspoon baking powder
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon ground allspice
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 1/2 cups shredded carrots
1/2 cup chopped walnuts

For the icing
8 ounces cream cheese (room temperature)
3/4 cup confectioners’ sugar
1/4 tablespoon vanilla extract


For the cupcakes1. Combine the sugar, vegetable oil, orange juice, vanilla extract and the egg replacer mixture.
2. Stir in baking powder, baking soda, allspice and salt and mix well.
3. Add the flour and mix well.
4. Next stir in carrots and walnuts and mix till it is well blended in the batter.
5. Place paper cups in a mini muffin pan and distribute the batter evenly.
6. Bake at 350° F for about 25 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean when inserted.
7. Cool completely before frosting.

For the icing
Combine the cream cheese, confectioners' sugar and vanilla extract in a bowl. Beat until smooth. You can either use a whisk or an electric beater.

Carrot cupcakes with cream cheese icing
Recipe adapted from
Here are the 5 things you don't know about me:

1. I am a writer. I started off my writing career in India as a business journalist and went on to become a consultant writer for many IT companies. I continue to do freelance writing now.
2. Always wanted to do a PhD in Human Resources. I love to interact with people.
3. I am extremely organized. I get very upset when there is clutter around me. For instance, if my daughter throws her toys all over the house, I will not be at peace with myself, until I clean up everything.
4. I am also a perfectionist. I have my own way of doing things and, of course, to perfection.
5. I will never go on rides - like the ones in Six Flags. I remember going on the giant wheel, though, when I was a kid. I was on the tora-tora ride at one time and I remember screaming all through the ride.


  1. carrot cake is WONDERFUL, thanks for the recipe

  2. hi lakshmik,
    your carrot cup cake looks delicious. thank for sharing this with us.
    loved reading your meme.
    so you are a writer ? what lovely surprise. I just love to know more about you . and you wrote about some IT organizations? thats great, if some day i will be able ti build up our own company , i will ask to write for it too :D.
    thanks. I Love your idea to keep everything on place , and neat too . I also love that.

  3. A prefectionist mom!!!! :) Great knowing about you dear. :)

    The carrot cakes look heavenly!!!! The dollop of cream on it looks super!!! :)

  4. oh u reminded me of that crazy tora-tora ride. once my two feets were on ground(although still shaking like leaves) i threw up everything i had in mela:(
    may be i will try it again sometime soon just to get over with my fear:)
    and u r a writer too? now thats something very interesting. no wonder u like to read books:)
    oh... the cupcakes looks wonderful or should i say "perfect" lakshmi:)

  5. Hey LK! I am with you with your list #3,4,5 there!! We are soul sisters!:)))

    I love Carrot cake with Cream cheese frosting.Yummy.They look fab!!

  6. Hi Lakshmik,

    Carrot cups looks amazing.Thanks for sharing..

    Your Meme was interesting to know littlemore about you..

    So you are a write,great to know that you worked for many IT companies...


  7. writer..that's great.So That's why MEME is short n' sweet.Perfectionist..i wish i was like that..i clean up toys around the house only when we have visitors :D.Carrot cupcakes looks delicious and tempting...

  8. Carrot cupcakes are wonderful Lakshmi.. Nice to know that u are a writer and perfectionist..

  9. Hi Lakshmi
    I too love the carrot cakes at IKEA :) Yours look very yummy too, I liked the cream on each very neat

    Liked reading your meme. Great to know you are a writer, do you do tech. writings or others ?

  10. i love carrot cakes soo much, one day when i have time i will do this version. thanks

  11. Hi Sandeepa

    I am not into tech writing. But work on content writing.

  12. What lovely cupcakes! I loved reading the meme too...I very much hope you will pursue the idea of getting a PhD. You will enjoy all the research and it is very fulfilling in the end (in my humble opinion).

  13. This very easy...looks delicous never tried carrot cake, I should try making this sometime. Thanks a lot lakshmi.

  14. I love carrot cakes! especially with cream cheese icing. Nice meme. heheh I can't go on the rides too, especially the ones that go high.

  15. The carrot cake looks Yummy.

  16. Carrot cake looks yummy Lakshmi and nice Meme. So you are a writer. I hate clutter too Lakshmi and rides oh boy i will never every be able to sit of them anytime.

  17. Hey Lakshmi, Enjoyed ur meme as its mine too !! We share 3, 4, 5 in every sense except that I dont have a daughter and I'm into HR but without a PhD :) Btw, Cupcakes and methi biscuits look perfect. I 'm taking one each :)


  18. Hi
    Carrot cup cakes looks delicious and fabulous. Lovely presentation of the carrot cakes topped with icing. Love to bake some for my kids. Here is a different version of the carrot cake without eggs

  19. This is my husband's favorite cake. I made these last night to surprise him and they cam out unbelievable. Thanks for the recipe. I will keep on making these for a long time.

