Sunday, January 07, 2007

Vegetable Chow Mein - MBP Event - January 2007

This is my contribution to the 'Monthly Blog Patrolling' event hosted by Coffee from 'My Khazana of Recipes'. The moment I read her blog I jumped with excitement. So very true - there are so many recipes that I have saved from fellow bloggers which I would like to try and share through my blog. But, somewhere in the process of posting our own creations we miss giving credit to all the hundreds and thousands of recipes that are posted day after day on other food blogs. You can read about this event in detail on Coffee's blog. However, here is a brief note.

All through 2007 there will be a unique theme chosen for each month and you have to wade through recipes posted on other food blogs, cook and post pictures of the recipe on your own blog as well as send the pictures to 'My Khazana of Recipes' (check this blog for the procedure). Of course, you can come up with your own variations of the recipe but make sure you post the link and credits to the original recipe. As simple as that. The theme for January 2007 is 'Around the World'. So, choose a recipe from any international cuisine and get cooking!

Here is my recipe from the Chinese cuisine for Vegetable Chow Mein. The original recipe was posted by Meenakshi Agarwal from 'Hooked on Heat'. I made a few variations to the recipe. Please click here for the original recipe.

Ingredients1 packet of Hakka noodles
1 medium onion sliced (you can used spring onions too)
1 cup of shredded cabbage
1/2 cup of shredded carrots
1/2 cup of shredded green bell peppers
1 tsp of ginger garlic paste
1 tsp of sesame oil
2 tbsp of Soya sauce (I used light Soya sauce because it has less sodium)
1 tsp of Sambal Oelek (red chilli paste), use more if you want to add more spice
Salt to taste
Oil as needed

1. Boil the noodles, drain and drizzle the sesame oil on the noodles and mix well. Set aside.
2. Pour oil in a pan and sauté the onions and ginger garlic paste.
3. Next add all the veggies - cabbage, carrots and bell peppers - sauté till slightly tender (not mushy).
4. Add the Sambal Oelek and mix well.
5. Add the Soya sauce and mix till it blends with the veggies.
6. Then add the boiled noodles and salt and mix to coat the noodles with the veggies and Soya sauce.
7. Serve hot or warm.

Vegetable Chow Mein

Serving size - 1 cup
Number of servings - 4 or 5


  1. Yummy!! Great entry.I made mine today too and will post on 17th.Looks lovely.Enjoy!

    Btw, I love Rooma's idea,don't you?!:))

  2. Hi Lakshmi,

    Veggie chow mein looks very good. I am a big fan of chinese food.

    Recently, i have been busy that's the reason i am not able to post any new recipes.

    But will get back to blogging soon...

    Thank q for the new year wishes, and wishing u the same.

  3. Lakshmi,
    Veggie chow mein looks yummy

  4. Asha, yes I like Coffee's idea. It's a wonderful thing to cook other's recipes.

    Madhavi, thanks for your comment. I am a fan of Chinese food too. Waiting to see your recipes soon.

    Thanks Suma for your comment.

  5. Looks great! I love Indo-chinese food anytime.....Great Job.


  6. Lakshmi, yummy noodles. Noodles is always greay specially when during winter.

  7. Hi,
    Yummy recipe. My 4 yr old daughter loved it....And me too...

  8. hi lakshmi dearie:)
    wishin u and ur family happyyyyyy new yr... tc girl

  9. Very nice entry, lakshmi. Nice presentation. Viji
