Thursday, November 16, 2006

Stuffed baby brinjal curry

Okay. Here it is. My version of stuffed brinjal curry. This is adapted from my friend Anu's recipe for brinjal curry. We were discussing one day on how to make stuffed brinjal and she came up with this recipe. The entire credit for this recipe goes to her. It's so easy to make and I thought I should surely share this one. You can make this curry with a few ingredients right from your pantry. It's as simple as that.

I wanted to post this recipe a little later but as I was mentioning to Tweety of Fitful Culinaria, it's a pure coincidence that we ended up working with the same veggies. Even the pictures we click tend to be similar. So, I decided to post the recipe rightaway. As Tweety rightly mentioned in her blog - "there are as many versions to this dish as there are cooks". Check out Tweety's version of stuffed brinjal. I also have a zucchini curry recipe that looks so similar to Tweety's recipe. Will post the recipe soon.

Ingredients8 or 10 baby brinjals
2 onions
1 tsp of ginger garlic paste
1 tsp of coriander seeds
1 small piece of cinnamon
2-3 cloves
4-5 red chillies (adjust according to taste)
1 medium tomato
A pinch of turmeric
Salt to taste
A pinch of sugar
Fresh coriander for garnish
Oil for frying

Method1. Wash the brinjals and set aside to dry.

2. Blend the onions, ginger garlic paste, coriander seeds, cinnamon, cloves, red chillies, tomato and turmeric in a mixer. Do not add water. A neat trick for this is to add the tomato into the blender first and then the remaining ingredients.

3. Add salt to this puree. This is the only time you get to season the curry with salt.
4. Cut the brinjals into four - go down all the way to the stem of the brinjal.
5. Fill the paste into the brinjal.

6. Pour oil in a shallow pan and arrange the brinjals.
7. If you have any excess paste remaining after stuffing the brinjals add it to the pan.

8. Add the sugar to the pan.
9. Cover the pan and cook for about 8-10 minutes. The brinjals will become soft during this process.
10. Remove the lid and cook till the brinjal skin is charred on all sides.
11. Garnish with coriander.

Serving size - 2 or 3 brinjals with some gravy
Number of servings - 4 to 5
Recipe courtesy: Annapurna


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. wow, very nice post, that's my fav. curry.i just left a comment on the spinach post, and with in seconds seeing another post.

  3. Thanks Lakshmi. Do try it out and let me know

  4. I love stuffed brinjals....your recipe sounds very flavourful. Thanks for sharing.

  5. hi Lakshmi,
    Came here thru Latha's blog after seeing your comment there.
    Oggarane caught my eyes, nice to see a fellow kannadiga..
    By the way stuffed brinjals looks delicious different recipe for stuffing with tomato....must try one....Thanks.

  6. hi,
    this is my first time visit here.
    what a wonederful recipe of kashmiri pulao. i ll surely give it a try.
    thoght to add you on my blogroll. May i?
    do visit my blog if u get time. I would like to have u as blog buddy. :) .

  7. oops! sorry, i was mistake n with the recipe of kashmiri pulao which i was seeing at the same tim on another blog, hope u ll not mind it! what i wanted is to completmet you for the nice blog and good pics with recipes. still i would say that i would like to see u around as my blog buddy :) . pardon me for my prv comment ,hope to see u soon.

  8. Hi Pooja

    Sure you can add my blog to your blogroll. Thanks for that. I am adding you to my blogroll too.

  9. Pooja

    Hi again. No problem. I do have a peas pulao recipe posted on my blog too. Check it out.

  10. Hi Madhu

    Thanks for visiting my blog. I am a Tamilian not a Kannadiga. Sorry if there was any confusion. Glad you liked the recipes. Sure you can try the same recipe for tomato too.

  11. Whoa, both our curries look almost same. But I am sure, the addition of tomato into the paste would have made the difference in taste, which I didn't have in mine.
    Also, I use a teaspoon of butter in the stuffing and total 2 teaspoons of oil for the cooking ;)
    Hey, thanks for the link to my blog...that will surely help spread my blog to more viewers.

  12. hi lakshmi,
    what a coincident... i just made stuffed baingan yesterday and gonna post my recipe today:) mine is quite different ingredients than urs... do check them out later..

  13. This looks good!!! Very different stuffing for the eggplant than what I normally do! Will try this!


  14. Hi lakshmi
    I do stuffed brinjal same way as u do but without tomato, next time I will include tomato in my recipe.additinally I add poppyseeds and elaichi too. crawled through
    madhusvantalu. nice blog going on. thank u. please do visit my blog when u feel free.

    Rajani rayudu.

  15. Sure Rajani. Will visit your blog. Glad you like the recipes on my blog.

  16. thanks for dropping by. Would you like to share your yam curry recipe for this Yam week here? Looking fwd for your participation.
    thanks for adding me , i am also adding you to my blogroll . :)

  17. Hi Pooja

    Yam curry? I did not post this recipe on my blog. Probably there is some mix up.

  18. The stuffed brinjals look very appetizing, Lakshmi!

  19. Hi,
    This is the second recipe that I am trying from your blog and me and my husband loved this one as much as the first one. I enjoy your recipes and check your site regularly for new postings. Thanks for the great recipes.
